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Printing from iOS device

With ezeep Blue you can easily select your documents on your iOS device and print them on any printer, without the need to install printer drivers. You can select a network printer in the office or on the WiFi network in your home office. To do this you must have already installed the ezeep print app on your mobile device, if you havent done so go back to ezeep Blue Printer App for iOS

Note: If you are printing to network printers, you must first need to assign the printers via the ezeep blue admin portal. or else you can print directly to wifi printers right away!

Select document and open printer options

  • Open the ezeep Blue app on your iOS device.
  • Tap on Print
  • Open Files or Photos app
  • Select a document
  • Tap Select a Printer at the top of the display

ezeep printing from iOS device

Select printer

Here you can find a list of all available printers

My Printers

  • Under My Printers you will find all company printers that have been made available to you by your administrator .

Wi-Fi Printers

  • Under WiFi you will find all printers that are shared in your Wi-Fi network

ezeep printing from iOS device

Before using a Wi-Fi printer for the first time, you must assign a printer model to the printer. 

  • To do this, select the printer and then tap Select Printer Model  
  • Find your printer model in the list and select it

ezeep printing from iOS device

If your driver is not in the list click on the "Request Support for Driver" link. Our development team will receive the request and will start working on the driver installation. 

ezeep printing from iOS device

After selecting the printer, you can make further settings.

  • Now select the number of copies you want to print and change other settings if necessary (color, orientation, paper size...).
  • Then tap on Print 

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