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Hub Remote Management

Once the Hub is powered on and connected to your network you'll need to claim it to be able to access it's web interface for configuration. Once your Hub is claimed, you'll also be able to remotely manage it from anywhere you have an internet connection.

Note: This feature is available during 14-day trial or in the Pro, Business and Enterprise Plans.

The ezeep hub must be already connected to the local network at the remote location and have access to the internet. If you have not connected the hub to the local network go back to: Setting up the ezeep Hub

  • Log in to the ezeep Blue Admin Portal
  • Select "Network Printers" on the left pane
  • Select "Connectors"
  • Click on "+add connector"
  • Select "Claim Hub"
  • Enter the hubs MAC address and default password (default password is print4life) and click on "Claim"

           Note: The MAC address is printed on the bottom label attached to the ezeep hub. 

  • Click on the pop-out button next to the hub you have just entered
  • A remote hub browser window will open
  • Enter your hub admin credentials (default password is print4life)
  • You are now logged on to the ezeep hub remotely! You can now add your printers via the Printers page and you will then see them in your ezeep admin portal

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